The equal treatment of non-nationals in individual sports competitions

Jan 1, 2010 - Nov 1, 2010

Project description

The study consisted of an analysis on the issue of access to (26 different) sports competitions, specifically individual competitions, by non-nationals, together with exhaustive knowledge of the discriminatory provisions adopted by sports federations in the Member states vis-à-vis Community nationals, while recognizing the extreme complexity of these issues. The study put forward suggestions for possible alternative solutions that comply with Community law and provided an appropriate response to the problems posed by the discriminatory measures identified. National Focal points in 27 Member states were identified and in turn contributed to the information provision phase of this study.


International Sport Law


The European Commission was receiving a growing number of questions and complaints from European Citizens concerning restrictions experience by the latter regarding their access to sports activities and/or sports competitions to certain Member States and in various sports. Discrimination on grounds of nationality is prohibited in the Treaties, which establish the right for any citizen of the Union to move and reside freely in the territory of the Member States.

The specific objective of this project was to provide a comprehensive analysis of the situation concerning the discriminatory measures on grounds of nationality which affect sports regulations and hamper the exercise of individual sports activities within the European Union. The contractor was commissioned to provide the European Commission with suggestions for possible solutions that comply with Community law on the basis of the information gathered, the problems identified and the analysis performed.