Bruce MacKay J.D.
Visiting Research Fellow
Visiting Research Fellows
- Research strand: In the public interest: accountability of the state and the prosecution of crimes
- Main fields of interest: International Criminal Law International Humanitarian Law Legal Aspects of Countering Terrorism
Bruce M. MacKay J.D. is a visiting researcher (Fulbright Specialist) at the Asser Institute, conducting research in the field of international humanitarian law, international criminal law and legal aspects of countering terrorism. He worked at the U.S. National Intelligence University from 2013 until 2021 in several capacities. He was an associate professor teaching among other courses ‘Intelligence and International Humanitarian Law’. During a sabbatical from government service, Mr. MacKay served as the legal advisor to the prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, a United Nations-supported war crimes tribunal based in West Africa charged with trying those most responsible for the human rights violations that occurred during the Sierra Leonean civil war.
-B.M. MacKay, ‘A View from the Trenches: The Special Court for Sierra Leone - The First Year’, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, Vol. 35, Issue 2 (2003), pp. 273-285.
-B.M. MacKay, ‘The use of classified information in terrorism trials’, Southern Illinois University Law Journal, Vol. 42 (2017), pp. 63-84.