[Quarterly update] The Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub

Published 29 February 2024

@Shutterstock - The FTF Knowledge Hub is an open-access resource on foreign terrorist fighters and states' responses to them.

The Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) Knowledge Hub, an open-access online resource developed by the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), has just been updated to incorporate recent developments surrounding states’ responses to foreign terrorist fighters. In doing so, the FTF Knowledge Hub continues to be an essential resource on FTFs and states’ responses to them.

In total, 14 data points, involving 6 states, were updated. Among other important developments, the number of women repatriated to Morocco, as well as the number of FTFs known to have departed and returned to Italy, are reflected. In addition, the website’s standards and guidance section has been updated and recent literature has been added to the resource library, including ICCT’s new publication titled “Female Jihadis Facing Justice: Comparing Approaches in Europe”. Furthermore, all domestic policies and legal frameworks have undergone review to reflect the newest developments. 

About the FTF Knowledge Hub

The FTF Knowledge Hub is an open-access database concerning states’ responses to so-called ‘foreign terrorist fighters’, or as defined by United Nations Security Council Resolution 2178 (2014): ‘individuals who travel to a State other than their States of residence or nationality for the purpose of the perpetration, planning, or preparation of, or participation in, terrorist acts or the providing or receiving of terrorist training, including in connection with armed conflict’. The FTF Knowledge Hub contains country-specific information on 30 different states, including FTF-related data, administrative and criminal measures, as well as rehabilitation and prevention policies, and is aimed at policy makers, practitioners, academics, journalists and students. The website provides comprehensive and detailed information specifically about FTFs who have travelled to Syria or Iraq.

Provide us your feedback and suggestions

We welcome the contribution of country-specific information, relevant research or data regarding the states included in the FTF Knowledge Hub. To submit information, please fill in our questionnaire, or send it to input@foreignterroristfighters.info.

For any other questions, suggestions or feedback, please reach out to input@foreignterroristfighters.info. We review the submitted information on a regular basis.

Interested in counter-terrorism? 
In this thought-provoking summer programme organised in cooperation with the ICCT, you will focus on the international and domestic legal aspects of countering terrorism and violent extremism, in inspiring and interactive classes by leading academics and practitioners in the field. Read more.