About the yearbook
The European Yearbook of Constitutional Law (EYCL) is an annual publication devoted to the study of constitutional law. The yearbook provides a forum for in-depth analysis and discussion of new developments in constitutional law in Europe and beyond. Each issue is dedicated to a specific theme. Papers are subject to editorial and double-blind peer review. The yearbook is published by T.M.C. Asser Press in cooperation with Springer Publishers.
Editorial Board
- Prof. dr. Ingrid Leijten, Tilburg Law School (Editor)
- Prof. dr. Jurgen de Poorter, Tilburg Law School (Editor)
- Dr. Gerhard van der Schyff, Tilburg Law School (Editor)
- Dr. Maarten Stremler LLM, Maastricht University (Editor)
- Dr. Maartje De Visser, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University (Editor)
- Charlotte van Oirsouw LL.M., Tilburg University (Managing Editor)
Board of Recommendation
- Prof. dr. Armin von Bogdandy (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law)
- Prof. em. dr. Marc Bossuyt (University of Antwerp)
- Prof. dr. Alfonso Celotto (Università degli Studi Roma Tre)
- Prof. dr. Janneke Gerards (Utrecht University)
- Prof. dr. Daniel Halberstam (University of Michigan)
Call for Papers
The Editorial Board of the European Yearbook of Constitutional Law (EYCL) invites scholars from around the world to submit proposals for its 2024 issue entitled “Varieties of Constitutionalism”.
The deadline for proposals is 9 June 2023 (although earlier submissions are encouraged) and the volume will be published in 2024/2025. The full call for papers is available online here or can be downloaded as a pdf here.
To get in touch, please send an email to:

- 978-94-6265-594-2
- English
- European Yearbook of Constitutional Law
- 202307

- 978-94-6265-534-8
- English
- European Yearbook of Constitutional Law
- 202206

- 978-94-6265-430-3
- English
- European Yearbook of Constitutional Law
- 202103

- 978-94-6265-358-0
- English
- European Yearbook of Constitutional Law
- 201912