The State of Interdependence - Globalization, Internet and Constitutional Governance
Series: Information Technology and Law Series
August 2010
The State of Interdependence explores the implications of globalization for constitutional governance. The study examines how globalization, viewed as a process increasing the level of transnational interdependence between actors, is shaping modern governance in the public interest. It uses the Internet’s interdependency-imposing nature as starting point for the inquiry since the Internet is the most important and inclusive manifestation of the globalization phenomenon in terms of transnational interdependence.
Interdependence gives rise to a variety of challenges to modern governance. Institutionally, the main challenge is how to accommodate highly diverse views into globally uniform policies. Ideologically, it poses the challenge of how to export fundamental values worldwide. Economically, it raises the question of how to use national economic policies to stimulate innovation on a global scale.
The main thesis of this study is that an interdependent context has far-reaching implications for today’s democratic constitutional governance and ultimately calls for a re-examination of our philosophical understanding of decision-making in the public interest in terms of legitimacy, accountability and representation.
The interdisciplinary nature of this work makes it particularly suited to academic scholars and policy makers interested in foundational questions regarding the nature of globalization, governance and the changing role of the State under conditions of interdependency. The Internet-based case studies are likely to appeal to a Law and ICT interested readership. The book is easily accessible and is self-contained in terms of technical expertise.
Rudolf W. Rijgersberg is Assistant Professor Foundations and Methods of Law at Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
This is Volume 19 in the Information Technology and Law (IT&Law) Series