Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2004, Volume 35
Series: Netherlands Yearbook of International Law
Two major factors brought about the establishment of the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law in 1970: demand for the publication of national practice in international law, and the desirability for legal practitioners, state representatives and international lawyers to have access to the growing amount of available data, in the form of articles, notes etc. The documentation section of the NYIL contains an extensive review of Dutch state practice from the parliamentary year prior to publication, an account of developments relating to treaties and other international agreements to which the Netherlands is a party, summaries of Netherlands judicial decisions involving questions of public international law (many of which are not published elsewhere), lists of Dutch publications in the field and extracts from relevant municipal legislation. Although the NYIL has a distinctive national character, it is published in English and the editors do not adhere to any geographical limitations when deciding upon the inclusion of articles.
Click here for general information about the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (ISSN: 0167-6768, EISSN: 1574-0951).
If you are interested in submitting your article, please contact the Managing Editor: Dr. Carl Emilio Lewis, T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague, The Netherlands, c.lewis@asser.nl
Click here for the Author Guidelines, the topic of the next volume of NYIL and the documentation (online since 2011).
The Netherlands Yearbook of International Law is published in the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law Series