Screen and Analyse of the new Environmental Act (Analyse van EU regelgeving ivm Omgevingswet) / Doorlichting en analyse van EU regelgeving i.v.m. Omgevingswet

Sep 1, 2011 - Apr 2, 2012

Project description

The new Environmental Act is to regulate both and spatial planning and environmental protection. It is to take EU obligations as a starting point. In order to find out which elements need to be incorporated, a screening of the major EU directives and regulations in the field of environmental protection needs to be carried out.


Recommendations on essential elements of a new Environmental Act from the point of view of EU law.


Screen and analyse major EU directives and regulations in order to establish which elements are essential for the new Environmental Act (Omgevingswet) that is being prepared.
Study on the EU and international law aspects of a new Environmental Code (Omgevingwet) that is in the making, covering both spatial planning and environmental protection and aimed at simplifying Dutch law. The goal of this project was to make some recommendations on essential elements of a new Environmental Act from the point of view of EU law.