Vergelijking rechtsstelsels / comparaison legal systems

Sep 1, 2003 - Nov 30, 2004

Project description

To carry out the project, 5 WTO cases relating to the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade analysed and described. Subsequently, several themes were treated in detail: interpretation, burden of proof, objective assessment, standard of review, experts, scientific evidence and the role of standards, guidelines and recommendations. The report finally described how from each of these angles a certain room for manoeuvre could be identified which, depending on the point of view adopted, could be characterized as a disturbance


Trade Law


Describing the international legal context of its policy areas and the possible disturbances of the level playing field that this context is supposed to maintain. In addition, the Ministry desired to know whether such disturbances could be traced to specific legal systems or philosophies.