A European Framework for private international law: Current gaps and future perspectives

Apr 1, 2012 - Dec 17, 2012

Project description

This study was requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs and explored the possibilities to codify private international law in the EU. The study identified the gaps that exist in the current European framework of private international law and suggested a road map towards a more comprehensive codification of EU private international law. The study was carried out by T.M.C. Asser Instituut in cooperation with the Internationaal Juridisch Instituut and the School of Law at the Rotterdam Erasmus University. The study also involved a team of 6 academic experts from other EU member states who functioned as advisors to the research team.
The study identified the current gaps in the European framework of Private international law (PIL) and proposed additional legislation. It investigated the feasibility of a Code on PIL and made recommendations on whether this code should be adopted through gradual harmonization or simultaneous adoption. Ultimately it resulted in the creation of a European vision on the codification of PIL in the EU.


EU Private International Law


- Producing a report that analyses the gaps in the current framework of private international law (PIL) and the possibilities to create a European code of private international law
-Presentation of the report to the EP