Is There a Court for Gaza? A Test Bench for International Justice
- 978-90-6704-819-4
- English
- 2012
Lex Sportiva: What is Sports Law?
- 978-90-6704-828-6
- English
- ASSER International Sports Law Series
- 2012
Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht – Nr. 139 – International Law and the Fight against Corruption
- 978-90-6704-343-4
- English
- KNVIR Preadviezen
- 2012
Mistake of Law - Excusing Perpetrators of International Crimes
- 978-90-6704-866-8
- English
- 2012
National Legal Systems and Globalization - New Role, Continuing Relevance
- 978-90-6704-884-2
- English
- 2012
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2011, Volume 42 - Agora: The Case of Iraq: International Law and Politics
- 978-90-6704-848-4
- English
- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law
- 2012
New Approaches to International Law - The European and the American Experiences
- 978-90-6704-878-1
- English
- 2012
New Media and Sport - International Legal Aspects
- 978-90-6704-872-9
- English
- ASSER International Sports Law Series
- 2012
Prisoners of the international community - The legal position of persons detained at international criminal tribunals
- 978-90-6704-887-3
- English
- 2012
The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law - La Cour de Justice et la Construction de l'Europe: Analyses et Perspectives de Soixante Ans de Jurisprudence
- 978-90-6704-896-5
- English/French
- 2012