HAC 2007 frontcover

Culture and International Law

2008 Editor: Paul Meerts, Netherlands institute of International Relations 'Clingendael', The Hague, The Netherlands



  • Published: 2008
  • Pages: xix + 246 pp.
  • Distributor: Springer

How do different cultures deal with international law and how does International Law influence the rules and regulations of these cultures? Is International Law an effective tool in protecting cultural heritage, especially in wartime? Does it protect the heritage of cultures in a balanced way? And first of all: what is culture, what is International Law? These important questions were dealt with at the Fourth Conference From Peace to Justice of the Hague Academic Coalition (HAC), which was held in April 2007 in The Hague, The Netherlands. Valuable views, from different angles and perceptions, were presented and discussed.

This book is the fruitful result of this Conference, presenting valuable insights, opinions and conclusions of the participants in the subject matter. It will trigger an international debate and a search for clarity on these issues. Anyone interested in or in any way involved in the harmonization of culture and international law is invited to join the debate, thus contributing to the realization of another important step on the road from peace to security.

Paul Meerts is an advisor to the Director of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ in The Hague and Professor in Diplomatic Negotiation.

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HAC 2007 Preface
HAC 2007 ToC
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