Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law - Volume 1, 1998
Series: Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
The world’s only annual publication devoted to the study of the laws of armed conflict, the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law provides a truly international forum for high-quality, peer-reviewed academic articles focussing on this highly-topical branch of international law. Shorter articles treat of current developments of particular interest or importance. A unique and useful feature of the Yearbook is Correspondents' Reports, a section surveying state practice in the field of international humanitarian law, compiled from information gathered by the Yearbook's worldwide network of correspondents. Correspondents' Reports is the world's only systematic review of state practice in the field of humanitarian law. The Yearbook also includes a selection of documents from the reporting period, many of which are not accessible elsewhere and a comprehensive bibliography of all recent publications in humanitarian law and other relevant fields. Ease of use of the Yearbook is guaranteed by the inclusion of a detailed index.
Distinguished by its topicality and contemporary relevance, the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law bridges the gap between theory and practice and serves as a useful reference tool for scholars, practitioners, military personnel, civil servants, diplomats, human rights workers and students.
The Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law is published in the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Series
N.B. Since 2011, Correspondents’ Reports have been written to accompany the Yearbook. For these as well as for the Call for Papers and Guidelines, please see
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