Refugee Law in Context - The Exclusion Clause
Both the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly indicate those asylum seekers who should be excluded from refugee status, excluded from asylum. The refugee lawyer, in order to fully appreciate the importance and relevance of this principle, needs to look beyond refugee law proper. The insight needed for the decision whether or not to apply the so-called ‘exclusion clause’ is to be found elsewhere within the realms of international law: international humanitarian law, international criminal law and United Nations law.
In this publication, contributors pay ample attention to developments in these related fields. Complemented with a wealth of relevant materials, including informative treaties, conventions and (draft) resolutions on these very themes, this book is an indispensable guide for all those involved with asylum seekers, refugees and the upholding of the principles of refugee law. This collection amounts to a true Article 1F Handbook.
Specific to this book:
- Complemented with a wealth of relevant materials
- The editor has almost 20 years' experience with the UNHCR
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