The Global Prosecution of Core Crimes under International Law
September 2019Order
- Published: September 2019
- Pages: xxxi + 695 pp., 1 ill.
- Publisher: T.M.C. ASSER PRESS
- Distributor: Springer
- Formats: Hardcover, eBook and online on SpringerLink
- ISBN: 978-94-6265-334-4
- E-ISBN: 978-94-6265-335-1
This book deals with the prosecution of core crimes and constitutes the first comprehensive analysis of the horizontal and vertical systems of enforcement of international criminal law and of their inter-relationship. It provides a global jurisprudential exposition in assessing the grounds for refusal of surrender to the International Criminal Court and of extradition to another State. It also offers insights into legal perspectives which improve the prevailing enforcement regimes of various models of criminal justice, including hybrid criminal tribunals, special criminal courts, judicial panels and partnerships, and other budding sui generis judicial and/or prosecutorial institutions.
The book espouses a human rights law-oriented critique to the enforcement of domestic, regional and international criminal justice and is aimed at legal practitioners (prosecutors, defence lawyers, magistrates and judges), criminal justice experts, penologists, legal researchers, human rights activists and law students.
Christopher Soler lectures Maltese criminal law, international criminal law and public international law at the University of Malta. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands.
Specific to this book:
- Constitutes the first comprehensive analysis of both systems of enforcement of international criminal law, and rigorously examines the relationship between them in one book with the same lens
- Provides a global jurisprudential overview in assessing the grounds for refusal of surrender to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and of extradition to another State
- Undertakes an autopsy of the obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare) under international law
- Offers insights on how the enforcement of international criminal law can be consolidated and improved, both under substantive international criminal law and under procedural international criminal law, with special reference to cooperation mechanisms devised to combat system criminality
- Espouses a human rights law-oriented critique to the general enforcement of domestic, regional and international criminal justice
With a foreword by Professor Salvatore Zappalà, Professor of International and EU Law, University of Catania (Italy); Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Criminal Justice; Member of the Steering Committee of the Antonio Cassese Initiative for Justice, Peace & Humanity; Former Legal Adviser (2010-2018) to the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations in New York.
Book launch of 10 February 2020 at the T.M.C. Asser Institute:
On 10 February 2020, a T.M.C Asser Press book launch was held in combination with an SCL lecture. The event, celebrating the publication of the book The Global Prosecution of Core Crimes under International Law, was well-attended and the panel discussion with Dr Christopher Soler, Judge Kimberly Prost and Dr Yasmin Naqvi led to a lively discussion between the audience and the panellists.
In the photo from left to right: Dr Yasmin Naqvi, Judge Kimberly Prost, Dr Christophe Paulussen (moderator) and Dr Christopher Soler (author).
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