Doctoral Research Forum 2022 Agenda
Van Swinderen Huys
Oude Boteringestraat 19, 9712 GC Groningen
Organized by Noor Swart and Kilian Roithmaier
09:30-09:50 Walk-in with coffee & tea
09:50-10:00 Welcome Dr. Antenor Hallo de Wolf (University of Groningen)
10:00-10:45 Impact where it matters? Writing a blogpost Dr. León Castellanos-Jankiewicz (T.M.C. Asser Institute, NNHRR Academic Coordinator)
10:45-11:00 Break with coffee & tea
11:00-12:15 Panel 1: Regional human rights issues
Moderator: Noor Swart (University of Groningen)
Discussant: Prof. Marcel Brus (University of Groningen)
Protecting Human Rights through Judicial Policymaking: Public Interest Litigation before the India Supreme Court Anmol Gulecha (Tilburg University)
Health data governance in China: Emphasising ‘sharing’ and ‘protection’ based on the right to health Lujia Sun (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
A lawless space? The legal regulation of evictions of "informal" refugee camps of Calais Isabella Leroy (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Social media platforms challenging EU fundamental rights protection: The need for an effective response to online hate speech Stevi Kitsou (Maastricht University)
12:15-13:00 Lunch Van Swinderen Huys
13:00-15:00 Panel 2: Business & economics and human rights
Moderator: Kilian Roithmaier (University of Groningen)
Discussant: Dr. Lottie Lane (University of Groningen)
The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Freshwater: Conceptualisation and some ideas for potential empirical research Candice Foot (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Is CSR window dressing? Bridging corporate responsibility in codes of conduct and their actions in global supply chains Sarah Vandenbroucke (Leiden University)
Access to an Effective Remedy for Victims of Transnational Business-Related Human Rights Abuses: The Role of Private Grievance Processes Gustavo Becker (University of Amsterdam/Max Planck Institute Luxembourg/University of Luxembourg)
Through the scope of human rights: About risk management with gun control laws Johri Maat (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Anonymity and authenticity on online platforms Yelyzaveta Markova (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Participatory rights, international investment law and inclusive prosperity: Re-imagining legal economic systems around inclusion Stephanie Triefus (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
15:00-15:15 Break with coffee & tea
15:15-17:15 Panel 3: Procedural questions & current challenges
Moderator: Dr. León Castellanos-Jankiewicz (T.M.C. Asser Institute, NNHRR Academic Coordinator)
Discussant: Prof. Michel Vols (University of Groningen)
How do States’ arguments impact ECtHR’s established case law? Mónica Ávila Currás (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
States' Strategic Litigation in Collective Expulsion Cases at the European Court of Human Rights Jessica Klüger (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Research on balancing clashing fundamental rights Noor Swart & Jorrit Westerhof (University of Groningen)
Voting Matters: An Analysis of the Use of Electoral-Assistive Devices through the Lens of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Adriana Caballero-Pérez (Maastricht University)
Are 20th century ‘rights’ fit for 21st century pandemics and climate change? Rethinking human right-based approaches to health in the post-colonial context David Patterson (University of Groningen)
17:15-18:00 Human rights in practice: Careers outside of academia Dr. Charlotte Baarda (College voor de Rechten van de Mens)
18:00-19:00 Dinner Van Swinderen Huys
19:45-21:15 Social activity: Pétanque & drinks BOEL, Nieuwe Ebbingestraat 163, 9715 BC Groningen
The 2022 Doctoral Research Forum is organized in cooperation with the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research, the T.M.C. Asser Institute, the University of Groningen, and the Open University