[Interview] #HumanRightsNow!
Published 6 December 2023By Ewa Romanowska

We are happy to announce our new NNHRR interview series - #HumanRightsNow! The series aims to address some salient issues in the Human Rights field. By inviting our Network members specialising in the intersection between human rights and the environment, technology, migration, and the arms trade, we aim to start a discussion, learn and spread the knowledge on critical issues and foster the emergence of ideas and collaborations within the Network.
Our first interview includes the discussion led by the Network's Academic Coordinator León Castellanos-Jankiewicz and Ewa Romanowska on the Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Others case with PhD candidates Anmol Gulecha (Tilburg University) and Jolein Holtz (Leiden University). In the interview, Anmol and Jolein explore the arguments of the parties, the special features of the case, and the case's impact on environmental human rights litigation. Click here to watch the interview.
In addition to our fruitful discussion, our guests have shared their top picks for a critical look at climate change litigation. Please have a read and join the discussion!
Jolein's recommendations:
• Kyle Whyte, 'Against Crisis Epistemology' in Brendan Hokowhitu, Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Linda Tuhiwai-Smith, Chris Andersen, Steve Larkin (eds) Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies (Routledge 2020)
• Anna Grear, Towards ‘climate justice’? A critical reflection on legal subjectivity and climate injustice: warning signals, patterned hierarchies, directions for future law and policy (2014) 5 Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 103
Anmol's recommendations:
• David Markell & J. B. Ruhl, 'An Empirical Assessment of Climate Change in the Courts: A New Jurisprudence or Business as Usual' (2012) 64 Florida Law Review 15
• Heather Colby et al, ‘Judging Climate Change: The Role of the Judiciary in the Fight Against Climate Change’ (2020) 7(3) Oslo Law Review 168.
For any feedback, questions and ideas please contact NNHRR@asser.nl.