Upcoming NNHRR Doctoral Research Forum
Published 16 February 2021
In 2021 the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research is hosting its first Doctoral Research Forum!
The first edition will be held online in partnership with Erasmus University Rotterdam on 22-23 February 2021. The Forum will bring together a group of PhD members who engage in research in the field of human rights. The objective is for participants to present their work in a collaborative setting and facilitate peer to peer exchange as well as interaction and mentorship between junior and senior members. The Forum is for PhD members at any stage of their doctoral project, particularly those who are in the early years of their PhD programme. Presentations can outline the candidate’s research project, a chapter of their thesis, or an article in progress. Senior members of the network will act as discussants and presenters will then engage in a Q&A session. Selected presenters will also have the opportunity to publish a post on the Network’s Human Rights Here blog.
The 2021 Agenda can be found here, and members are invited to join the audience and participate in the Q&A sessions following each presentation. For the Zoom link, email triefus@law.eur.nl.