[Panel Discussion] Climate on trial: lessons from the Milieudefensie v Shell case
Published 21 January 2025
On 13 February 2025, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and SEVEN - University of Amsterdam, supported by the NNHRR, will organise a panel discussion titled ‘Climate on trial: lessons from the Milieudefensie versus Shell case’.
The event will dissect the implications of the Court of Appeal's judgment from different angles, and explore its significance for future climate accountability strategies. Although the appeal judgment may not have delivered the decisive victory climate activists sought, it offers significant insights into developing judicial attitudes towards corporate responsibility for climate change.
The panel discussion will explore key emerging themes, including:
- The shared responsibilities of states and private actors in addressing climate change
- The horizontal effect of human rights obligations on corporate conduct
- The evolving legal landscape of corporate climate accountability and the use of strategic litigation
- The role of international guidelines and emerging EU directives in shaping corporate climate strategies
Moderator: Stephanie Triefus (Asser Institute)
- Andre Nollkaemper - founder of SEVEN (University of Amsterdam)
- Sjoukje van Oosterhout - Senior team lead of the climate case against Shell (Milieudefensie)
- Further speakers to be confirmed
There will be a short presentation of the case, followed by a round of questions facilitated by the moderator, and an exchange with the room. For those attending in person, there will be a drinks reception after the event.
Register through this link.
We look forward to seeing you there!