About the Asser Institute

Established in 1965, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut is an internationally renowned centre of expertise in the fields of public international law, private international law and European law.

The T.M.C. Asser Instituut conducts fundamental and independent policy-oriented research and organises critical and constructive reflection on international and European legal developments, at the interface of academia, legal practice and governance.

The institute actively disseminates its knowledge through publications, training programmes, conferences and free events.

Find out more about our annual training programmes.


City of peace and justice
Located in The Hague, the ‘international city of peace and justice’, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut is an established location where critical and constructive reflection on international and European legal developments takes place. In the vicinity of many international institutions, diplomatic missions and government ministries, the institute exercises strong convening power and attracts legal experts from around the world.

The T.M.C. Asser Instituut strives for excellence in its research and academic education and always has a keen eye for its societal responsibility. In the coming years, it will continue to fulfil the following roles:

  • The Institute is a vanguard institute for the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in The Hague, in particular for the UvA Law School (and the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL).
  • The Institute will actively promote the collaboration with and between Dutch law schools; and is a facilitator for all Dutch law schools that wish to collaborate in research networks, projects and/or in knowledge dissemination activities.

The T.M.C. Asser Instituut is a foundation (registered on 17 February 1994 with the Chamber of Commerce Haaglanden, The Netherlands, under file number 41158427), established in 1965 as an inter-university institute for international law in The Hague.