Goals for the New Year? Register now for our 2023 training programmes
Published 18 December 2022
@shutterstock - Sign up now for our 2023 training programmes and advance your career.
Registration is now open for our 2023 training programmes. Sign up now to stay ahead in your career!
[Masterclass] Responding to human rights abuse in sport: Safe, effective and appropriate investigation (18 - 19 January 2023)
In recent years, the world of sport has seen a rise in reports of cases of emotional, psychological, physical, and sexual abuse. Sport has often struggled to respond in a safe, effective and appropriate way to these cases. This has, at best, led to missed opportunities to improve and strengthen prevention mechanisms. At worst, it has caused retraumatisation and additional harm to those affected. Sign up for our Masterclass and learn how to respond in a safe, appropriate, and effective way to cases of human rights abuse in sport. Read more.
[Spring academy] Artificial intelligence and international law (27-31 March 2023)
Artificial intelligence (AI) comes with many promises. It has the potential of providing for cognitive abilities going beyond human capacities, which could lead to significant scientific and societal progress. At the same time, the use of technologies that display increasing degrees of autonomy brings in significant ethical, legal, and policy challenges. AI is disruptive to fundamental legal norms and concepts, as well as to systems of international governance. This spring academy is an interdisciplinary programme that offers in-depth perspectives on AI and international law. It provides foundational knowledge on key issues at the intersection of theory and practice, and offers a platform for critical debate and engagement on emerging questions. The programme covers technical aspects of AI, philosophy and ethics of AI, AI and human rights, AI and international humanitarian law, AI and international responsibility, and international governance of AI. Sign up now, or check out more information.
Indicative list of topics:
- Understanding AI technology
- Responsible AI and ethical design
- Human-machine relationships
- Ensuring respect for human rights in the context of AI
- Military applications of AI and the international law of military operations
- Individual and collective responsibility in relation to AI
- International governance of AI
Target audience
- Researchers and advanced students (master or PhD) in the fields of international law, political science, philosophy, or computer science
- Policy analysts and legal advisers working on innovation and technology in public or private institutions
- Industry professionals interested in the law and governance of AI
Fee: €1.150 (Early bird) / €1.295 (Regular) / €750 (Student)
[Spring academy] The European turn to sustainability due diligence: From concept to obligation (03 - 06 April 2023)
What does it mean to do business right? How can businesses be held accountable for their negative social and environmental impacts throughout their transnational supply chains? And: what are the legal mechanisms that can help steer them towards responsible business conduct?
Bringing together professionals, students, and academics from around the world, our 2023 Doing Business Right winter academy will provide you with a deep dive into the due diligence process as a strategy to achieve responsible business conduct. We will retrace the genealogy of the concept, investigate its theoretical underpinnings, and provide you with a hands-on understanding of its practical operation through specific case studies conducted by experienced practitioners. Through a blending of theory and practice, the 2021 DBR winter academy aims to equip participants with the necessary know-how to engage with the growing practice of due diligence in their daily work in civil society organisations, corporations, administrations or academia. Pre-register now, or check out the programme here.
Key topics
- Business and human rights
- Responsible business conduct
- Human rights due diligence
- OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises
- U.N. guiding principles on business and human rights
Target audience
- Early- to mid-career professionals
- Civil servants
- Corporate legal advisers
- Civil society representatives
- Social auditors
- Advanced students
Save the date for our upcoming summer programmes! Or subscribe to our bi-weekly Education & Events newsletter to be the first to know when registrations open.
- [Summer programme] Annual summer law programme on international criminal law and international legal & comparative approaches to counter-terrorism (20 May - 23 June 2023)
- [Summer programme] Advanced programme: Terrorism, counter-terrorism and the rule of law (28 August – 1 September 2023)
- [Summer programme] Disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (18-22 September 2023)
Experience the practical element of international law during programme-related study visits
Network with top-level speakers and participants from diverse professional backgrounds (i.e. academics, diplomats, lawyers, policy-makers etc.)
Explore The Hague - the City of Peace and Justice.
If you have any questions about our training programmes, please send an email to educationtraining@asser.nl