Asser Institute Researchers Participate in “Making a Difference" Conference Hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security
Published 9 March 2018
Two researchers from the T.M.C. Asser Instituut participated in the Conference “Making a Difference: Working Together for Sustainable Capacity Building in the Justice and Security Sector” hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security on 14 February 2018. The conference gathered together participants of diverse backgrounds and agencies, including those from the beneficiary countries, and covered a wide range of topics on capacity building with six parallel workshops.
Dr. Christophe Paulussen, senior researcher at the institute and research fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), moderated the workshop “Youth & Radicalisation” co-organised by the Asser Instituut and the ICCT. During the workshop, speakers presented the Dutch approach to tackle radicalisation amongst Dutch youth, the general situation of youth radicalisation in Tunisia, the project “Building Youth Resilience in Tunisia and The Netherlands”, and lessons learned from around the world on juvenile foreign fighters. Read the full report on this workshop here.
Dr. Narin Idriz, also a researcher at the institute, organised and moderated the workshop “Capacity Building Activities in the Area of Migration: From Policy Making to Effective Implementation”. The workshop brought together representatives from governmental, non-governmental and international organisations. It provided a picture of different types of capacity building projects along the migration route to Europe: from countries of origin and countries in the region to transit countries, as well as the country of destination and the country in which the capacity building projects in question are developed—the Netherlands. Read the full report of this workshop here.