Asser researcher appointed as member of the permanent commission on Human Rights of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs
Published 6 December 2019
Asser researcher Narin Idriz has been appointed as a member of the permanent commission on Human Rights of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs (Adviesraad internationale vraagstrukken, AIV) ©Shutterstock.
Asser researcher Narin Idriz has been appointed as a member of the permanent commission on Human Rights of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs (Adviesraad internationale vraagstrukken, AIV).
The AIV is an independent body, which advises the Dutch government and parliament on foreign policy. The AIV produces advisory reports about international affairs both on its own initiative and on request. Its main areas of expertise are European cooperation, human rights, development cooperation and security policy.
Dr Narin Idriz is a researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute within the strand “Advancing Public Interests in International and European Law”. Currently she is one of the project leaders of the Global Europe project, which investigates the EU’s identity as a global actor.
Narin is specialised in EU external relations, EU-Turkey association law, enlargement law, the protection of fundamental rights in the EU in general and the rights of Third Country Nationals in particular, and EU asylum and migration law and policies.
Pressing issues
In reaction, Narin said: “I am very happy and honoured to be appointed a member of the Human Rights Commission of the AIV. The Commission works on some of the most pressing issues of our times. Think for instance of the reform of the European asylum and migration policy, finding meaningful counter-narratives to the challenge mounted to the principle of the universality of human rights from other parts of the world, and the effect of new technologies on the development of human rights.”
Academic director Janne E. Nijman from T.M.C. Asser Instituut: “We are delighted our colleague Dr Narin Idriz has been appointed to the Human Rights committee of the Advisory Council on International Affairs. With her knowledge and expertise Narin will surely be able to contribute to the important questions on the committee’s agenda.”
The appointment has been published in the Dutch Staatscourant.