[Register now] Online HILAC lecture on 'International humanitarian law and non-state actors'
Published 26 October 2020
On 03 November at 18.00, the Asser Institute will host an online HILAC lecture on 'International humanitarian law and non-state actors'. The lecture also doubles as the launch for a book of the same name. Register now to hear from the book's authors and editors, as well as experts in the field, about the challenges non-state actors pose in armed conflict.
In recent times, international armed conflicts have declined in frequency, while non-international armed conflicts have increased and are now consistently in the majority. From armed conflicts in Syria to those of the Sahel region, Yemen, Ukraine, Colombia and Afghanistan, international humanitarian law (IHL) has long recognized the roles that multiple non-state actors play (such as non-state armed groups, individuals, the UN through its different agencies, the ICRC, humanitarian NGOs and human rights bodies) through interactions among themselves and with States on a daily basis and for a myriad of different reasons.
Ezequiel Heffes, Marcos D. Kotlik and Manuel J. Ventura explore some of these interactions in their co-edited volume International Humanitarian Law and Non-State Actors (Asser Press). In the presence of the editors and some of the book’s authors, this HILAC lecture will be the occasion to celebrate the publication of their book. We will discuss real-life challenges presented by non-state actors in conflict settings, and how (and to what extent) we can address them to affect the resolution of practical and theoretical problems in the realm of IHL. Register here.
- Ezequiel Heffes, co-editor of the book, Thematic legal adviser at Geneva Call;
- Yasmin Naqvi, co-author of one of the chapters, Special adviser to the Deputy Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OCPW);
- Marco Sassòli, Professor of international law at the University of Geneva, former director of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights;
- Tilman Rodenhäuser, Thematic legal adviser at the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi, Researcher in international law at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut will moderate the event.