Thea Coventry LL.M.
- Research strand: Regulation in the public interest: Disruptive technologies in peace and security
- Main fields of interest: International and Transnational Crimes International Arms Control Law Maritime Security Transnational Criminal Law
- E-mail: t.coventry@asser.nl
- Phone: +31 (0)70 3420 366
Thea is a researcher in international law at the Asser Institute within the research strand ‘Regulation in the public interest: disruptive technologies in peace and security’. Thea's coordinates the annual Training Programme on Disarmament and Non-proliferation of WMD within the Asser Arms Control Hub. Thea's research focuses on maritime security, international arms control, transnational criminal law and international criminal justice. He PhD thesis examines the interaction between customary international law and treaty law in respect to state criminal jurisdiction.
Prior to joining the Asser Institute, Thea worked for five years at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University. During her PhD candidature, Thea taught bachelor and master level courses in public international law and supervised master theses. She is a qualified Australian lawyer.
Select Publications
Thea Coventry, ‘Seizing stateless smuggling vessels on the Mediterranean High Seas’ (2023) Leiden Journal of International Law 36(4) 925.
‘Appropriate Measures at Sea: Extraterritorial Enforcement Jurisdiction over Stateless Migrant Smuggling Vessels’, in Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal 7 (2020).
‘Article 30. Prosecution, adjudication and sanctions’, in The United Nations Convention against Corruption: A Commentary, C. Rose, M. Kubiciel and O. Landwehr (eds), Oxford University Press (2019).
‘Pre-Trial Detention: Assessing European Union Competence under Article 82(2) TFEU’, in New Journal of European Criminal Law 29 (2017).
‘A brief analysis of the Palermo Protocol Definition of Trafficking in Persons’, in Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict 29 (2016).
‘Complementary Protection: the role of courts in expanding protection to ‘environmental refugees’ in domestic asylum regimes, in Organizational Perspectives on Environmental Migration, K. Rosenow-Williams and F. Gemenne (eds), Routledge (2016).