Dr Narin Idriz
Senior researcher
- Research strand: Transnational public interests: constituting public interest beyond and below the state
- E-mail: n.idriz@asser.nl
Dr. Narin Idriz/ Tezcan is a senior researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute within the strand “Advancing Public Interests in International and European Law”. Narin has Master degrees in International Human Rights Law (Essex University) and European Business Law (Leiden University). She worked as a PhD fellow at the Europa Institute of Leiden University where she defended her thesis in May 2015. Her PhD thesis is titled “Legal constraints on EU Member States as primary law makers: A case study of the proposed permanent safeguard clause on free movement of persons in the EU Negotiating Framework for Turkey’s accession”. The thesis identifies constraints on Member States in the context of drafting an Accession Agreement flowing from three legal sources: EU-Turkey association law, EU enlargement law and practice, and lastly EU constitutional law. Narin worked as an Assistant Professor in European Law at Utrecht University for two years, after which she joined T.M.C. Asser Institute on 1st September 2017.
Narin’s research areas of interest are EU external relations, EU-Turkey association law, enlargement law, protection of fundamental rights in the EU in general, and the rights of Third Country Nationals in particular, and last but not least, EU asylum and migration law and policies.
- Legal Constraints on EU Member States in Drafting Accession Agreements: The Case of Turkey, in Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation 12 (Springer, 2022)
Edited volumes
- Kassoti E. and Idriz N. (eds), The Principle of Solidarity: International and EU Law Perspectives (Asser Press - Springer, 2023)
- Kassoti E. and Idriz N. (eds), The Informalisation of the EU’s External Action in the Field of Migration and Asylum (Asser Press – Springer, 2022)
Other publications
- Kassoti E. and Idriz N., “The CJEU and the Rule of Law in the EU’s External Action” in Hinojosa L. and Pérez-Bernárdez C. (eds) Enhancing the Rule of Law in the European Union’s External Action (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023), pp. 63-84
- Kassoti E. and Idriz N., “‘The Kindness of Strangers’ – Solidarity in International and EU Law”, in Kassoti E. and Idriz N. (eds), The Principle of Solidarity: International and EU Law Perspectives (Asser Press - Springer, 2023), pp. 1-14
- “Comparative Study on ‘Judicial Culture’: The Dutch Approach – Pragmatism, negotiation and constant fine-tuning”, Research Chapter No. 30/2022. Available here upon request.
- Kassoti E. and Idriz N., “The Informalisation of the EU’s External Action in the Field of Migration and Asylum”, in Kassoti E. and Idriz N. (eds), The Informalisation of the EU’s External Action in the Field of Migration and Asylum (Asser Press – Springer, 2022), pp. 1-12
- Fink M. and Idriz N., “Effective Judicial Protection in the External Dimension of the EU’s Migration and Asylum Policies”, in Kassoti E. and Idriz N. (eds), The Informalisation of the EU’s External Action in the Field of Migration and Asylum (Asser Press – Springer, 2022), pp. 117-146
- Idriz N. and Tobler C., “‘Citizenship of the Association’: the examples of Turkey and Switzerland”, Chapter 19, in Kostakopoulou, D. and Thym, D. (eds), Research Handbook on European Union Citizenship Law and Policy: Navigating Challenges and Crises (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022), pp. 320-242
- "Hierarchies of Privilege: Juxtaposing Family Reunification Rights, Integration Requirements, and Nationality in EU Law", in Moritz Jesse (ed.), European Societies, Migration and the Law: The "Others" amongst "Us" (Cambridge University Press, 2020), pp. 130-151
- “Avrupa’da Göçün Etkisiyle Sekillenen Vatandaslik Kanunlari [European Citizenship Laws Shaped by Migration]”, in N. Asli Sirin Öner ve S. Gülfer Ihlamur-Öner (eds.), Uluslararasi Iliskilerde Göç: Olgular, Aktörler ve Politikalar [Migration in International Relations: Phenomena, Actors and Policies], (DER Yayinlari, 2018), pp. 89-105 [in Turkish]
- "The EU-Turkey Statement or the ‘Refugee Deal’: The Extra-Legal Deal of Extraordinary Times?”, in Dina Siegel and Veronika Nagy (eds.), The Migration Crisis?: Criminalization, Security and Survival (Eleven Publishing, 2018), pp. 61-84
- Idriz N., and Bockel B., “De ‘dirty deal’ tussen de EU en Turkije en vragen van wettigheid en toelaatbaarheid [The ‘dirty deal’ between the EU and Turkey: Questions on legality and admissibility]”, SEW, Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 2017/11, pp. 449-456
- "EU’s External Relations Models and Turkey-EU Customs Union in that Context”, in Sanem Baykal (ed.), Revision of Turkey-EU Customs Union within the Context of Diversified Models of EU External Relations, (Ankara University Publications No 553, 2017), pp. 1-28
- Annotation of Case C-561/14, Caner Genc v. Integrationsministeriet, Judgment of the Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) of 12 April 2016, EU:C:2016:247, “Family Reunification under the Standstill Clauses of EU-Turkey Association Law”, Common Market Law Review 54(1) (2017), pp. 263-280
- Idriz N. and Senden L., “De ‘nieuwe generatie’ Associatieovereenkomst tussen de EU en Oekraïne en zijn constitutionele context” [The “new generation” Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine and its constitutional context], Nederlands tijdschrift voor Europees recht 2, May 2016, pp. 90-98
- Legal Constraints on EU Member States as Primary Law Makers: A Case Study of the Proposed Permanent Safeguard Clause on Free Movement of Persons in the EU Negotiating Framework for Turkey’s Accession (E.M. Meijers Instituut No 247, 2015).
- “The Puzzle Posed by Demir for the Free Movement of Turkish Workers: A Step Forward, a Step Back, or Standstill?”, in D. Thym and M. Zoetewij Turhan (eds.), Degrees of Free Movement and Citizenship (Martinus Nijhoff, 2015), pp. 223-247
- “Dutch Courts Safeguarding Rights under the EEC-Turkey Association Law”, European Journal of Migration and Law 13 (2011), pp. 219-239.
- Slot P.J., and Tezcan/Idriz N., “À la recherche d’un cadre juridique approprie pour les relations UE-Russie”, Revue du Marché commun et de l’Union européenne, No 546, mars 2011, pp. 179-19
- Tezcan/Idriz N., and Slot P. J., “Free movement of persons between Turkey and the EU: the Hidden Potential of Article 41(1) of the Additional Protocol”, CLEER Working Papers 2010/2, TMC Asser Institut
- “Free Movement of Persons between Turkey and the EU: to move or not to move?”, Common Market Law Review 46 (2009), pp. 1621-1665
- Tezcan N., Boot J. and Slot P. J., “The Netherlands”, in Rodger B. (ed.), Article 234 and Competition Law, An Analysis (Kluwer Law International, 2008)
- Slot P. J., and Tezcan N., “How to Tackle EU’s Energy Dependency?”, in Morais L.S. and Pitta e Cunha P. (eds.), A Europe E os desafios do Século XXI (Almedina, Coimbra, 2008), pp. 381-404