Asser in the press on the Chagos Island case
21 September 2018Asser senior researcher and international law expert Dr Geoff Gordon is quoted in today’s edition of the Spanish newspaper El Pais. He was interviewed for his analysis of the Chagos Archipelago case that is currently being deliberated upon by the International...
Blog: Who is responsible for the war crimes of killer robots?
21 September 2018The difficulty in determining who is responsible for war crimes committed with the use of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS) has led to rising legal concerns over their development. States are facing the daunting task of trying to assess the technical, l...
Using technology to disrupt land-grabbing
19 September 2018Land-grabbing is the acquisition of land by corporations or governments under conditions of uneven bargaining power, often without prior or informed consent of residents. It can leave affected communities hungry, homeless and with very little recourse. It can ...
How to remember the past? Book launch and workshop on memory laws
15 September 2018Earlier this year, Poland adopted a notorious law that prohibits blaming Poles for crimes committed during the Holocaust. In the U.S., confederate monuments sparked a debate, similar to an uproar in the Netherlands on Dutch colonial history. How we remember th...
Three Asser memory law researchers will speak in Budapest
12 September 2018Two-thirds of the European Parliament voted on September 12 in favour of holding Hungary accountable for serious breaches of common values of the European Union, including respect for human rights, equality, and the rule of law. These clashes with ‘common val...