Blog post: On the illegality of the Turkish offensive in Syria
10 October 2019 By Rebecca Mignot-MahdaviIn a new blog post, Asser Researcher Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi debunks the self-defense justification that Turkey uses as its warplanes and artillery strike border towns in north-eastern Syria in a bid to reclaim the region from the formerly US-backed Kurdish for...
An interview with human rights defender Dilip Chakma: “In India Chakma’s are a minority in all aspects”
7 October 2019Shelter City is a worldwide initiative to protect human rights defenders at risk and support them to reclaim their civic space. Dilip Chakma, a lawyer and human rights defender from India, recently started as a Shelter City Research fellow at the Asser Institu...
EU trade agreements and the duty to respect human rights abroad
1 October 2019In recent years, the issue of whether human rights obligations incumbent upon the European Union have an extraterritorial scope has gained much salience. Recent developments, such as the Western Sahara litigation before the CJEU, attest to the increasing signi...
New cases added to the International Crimes Database
26 September 2019Check out five new case analyses that we added to the International Crimes Database, our extensive online collection of international crimes broadly defined, such as genocide, war crimes, terrorism and piracy. The International Crimes Database website of the ...
#ISLJConf19: Transfer systems in international sports
23 September 2019The summer transfer window, the period when football clubs sign new players coming from other teams, is now closed in Europe. During the transfer window, the sports news arena is swarmed with the latest deals signed between major clubs and prominent football p...