Asser researcher co-authors Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law
24 August 2020Asser senior researcher Dr Berenice Boutin was part of the Drafting Committee of the Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law, which were recently published in the Foreword section of the European Journal of International Law (Volume 31...
[Asser in the media] Asser senior researcher Christophe Paulussen on the Ayyash et al. judgement 'The fact that people have been acquitted also says something about the fairness of the trial'
21 August 2020On 18 August 2020, the Trial Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) issued its long-awaited verdict in the case of Ayyash et al. The Trial Chamber found one defendant, Salim Jamil Ayyash, 'guilty beyond reasonable doubt' for his role in perpetrating...
[Op-ed] Janne Nijman & Mary O’Connell: ‘A better world emerging from the crises’
14 August 2020On August 15, it was seventy five years ago that World War II came to an end and a better world emerged from the carnage of it. In an op-ed for international law blog OpinioJuris, Asser academic director Janne Nijman and Mary O’Connell (University of Notre Dam...
[New publication]: The legality of economic activities in occupied territories
11 August 2020This week, academic publisher Routledge issued a new edited volume on the legality of economic activities in occupied territories, edited by Asser institute senior researchers Dr Antoine Duval and Dr Eva Kassoti. The book, The legality of Economic Activities i...
[Online training programmes] Register now for our upcoming training programmes
4 August 2020Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) are two of our most important global issues. Governments continue to struggle with how to respond to terrorist attacks and WMDS were recently used in Syria, the United Kingdom, and Malaysia. Find out more about ...