[New publication] Rule of law and constitutionalisation of memory politics in Hungary and Russia
18 January 2023In his chapter for the new book Rule of Law in Crisis- Constitutionalism in a State of Flux (edited by Martin Belov, Routledge 2023), senior Asser Institute researcher Ulad Belavusau focuses on the rise of memory laws in Hungary and Russia throughout the 2010s...
[New publication] Constitutions of value - Law, governance, and political ecology
16 January 2023Global value production and transnational value practices that rely on exploitation and extraction have left us with toxic commons and a damaged planet. The new book ‘Constitutions of Value - Law, Governance, and Political Ecology’ (Routledge, 2023), edited by...
[Blog post] ‘Reparations are problematic to negotiated (international criminal) justice’
11 January 2023In a new blog post for EJIL:Talk!, Asser Institute intern-trainee Catherine Gregoire concludes that Rule 94(2)(c) of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) Rules of Procedure and Evidence (RPE) - a rule which allows for written plea agreements on reparations - h...
[Interview] James Patrick Sexton: ‘There is a contrast between the dedication to prosecute war crimes and the practice’
10 January 2023 By Naomi LamauryAsser Institute researcher James Patrick Sexton examines the state obligation to investigate war crimes committed in multilateral settings during armed conflict in a recent journal article. He also works on several projects under the auspices of the Global Cou...
Catch up on those international law podcasts
19 December 2022Listening to podcasts on international law can be a great way to stay engaged and continue learning. Whether you're an academic, international law student or professional, or just interested in the topic, we have selected 10 international law-related podcasts ...