Cranes for our future – Disarmament and non-proliferation for a nuclear-free future
27 July 20236 August marks the seventy-eighth anniversary of the first atomic bomb detonated over Hiroshima. Three days later the United States detonated a second bomb over Nagasaki leading a total of between 129,000 and 266,000 deaths, mostly civilians. Today, the Asser ...
[New publication] Many hands in the black box: Artificial intelligence and the responsibility of international organisations
27 July 2023In a new book chapter, researcher Magda Pacholska (Asser Institute) analyses the possible legal reverberations of the rapidly growing interest in AI-enabled technologies by international organisations within the military and security domains. In the past dec...
[New blog post] Weaponising Russia’s Memory Law: On Russia’s anti-war dissidents
11 July 2023In a new blog post for Verfassungsblog, researchers Andrii Nekoliak (Asser Institute) and Elizaveta Klochkova (OVD-Info), describe how the Russian Federation is using a “memory law” to put pressure on potential critics of the Russian attack on Ukraine. This Ru...
[Interview] The sovereignty of sharing: An interview with UN Special Rapporteur Michael Fakhri
10 July 2023In an interview for OpinioJuris, renowned professor and UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Michael Fakhri sat down with León Castellanos-Jankiewicz, Carl Emilio Lewis, and Melanie Schneider (intern) to discuss the concept of sovereignty, unequal food s...
[Interview] Tarik Gherbaoui: ‘With my research I aim to reach the decision-makers in the field of counter-terrorism’
5 July 2023Tarik Gherbaoui is a researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, where he contributes to several projects in the context of the Institute’s work for the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) including on maritime security and terrorist travel, counterterrorist wa...