A new year and a new research agenda: 'Rethinking public interests in international and European law'
17 January 2022By Janne E. Nijman On Friday January 14, Australian minister for immigration, citizenship, migrant services and multicultural affairs, Alex Hawke, stated that he exercised his power ‘to cancel the visa held by Mr Novak Djokovic on health and good order ground...
[New publication] Global Europe Book Series: The informalisation of the EU's external action in the field of migration and asylum
15 January 2022In the very first volume to appear in the new Global Europe book series by T.M.C. Asser Press, editors and Asser researchers Eva Kassoti and Narin Idriz examine the trend whereby the European Union resorts ever more often to informal arrangements and deals wit...
[Interview] Tomasz Zurek: ‘Soon, autonomous military devices will appear in almost every conflict in the world.'
14 January 2022 By Diva Estanto and Alex RijpmaDr Tomasz Zurek is a researcher at the Asser Instituut, where he works in the DILEMA project to research different technologies in artificial intelligence (AI) in order to create a system that can observe international humanitarian law. Zurek: ‘Soon, autonomou...
Asser senior visiting fellow in parliamentary roundtable on Afghanistan
13 January 2022Today, Thursday 13 January, Asser Institute senior visiting fellow Ahmad Nader Nadery will participate in an online roundtable discussion, organised by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Dutch House of Representatives. The theme of the public discussion is ...
Goals for the New Year? Register now for our 2022 training programmes
27 December 2021Registration is now open for our two interdisciplinary training programmes: the winter and spring academies. Sign up now to stay ahead in your careers! [Online winter academy] Artificial intelligence and international law (21-25 February 2022) Time: 09.00 (...