On the Interaction between Transnational Crimes and International Crimes
28 February 2018“A fascinating reading about the state of affairs in international criminal law”, was the description by Mr. Ladislav Hamran, President of Eurojust, of the newest book launched at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut: ‘Legal Responses to Transnational and International ...
‘Meet the World’ – Join the Asser Institute at the Movies that Matter Festival 2018
26 February 2018Justice, violence, dignity, corruption, punishment, forgiveness, evidence, truth. Big themes that constantly need to be researched, discussed and visualized in order to be understood. Themes that are best explored together. To do so, the Asser Institute joins ...
ICL-TCL Training Marks Successful Asser Antonio Cassese Initiative Collaboration
20 February 2018From 5 to 9 February 2018, the Asser Institute and the Antonio Cassese Initiative successfully hosted a training course on international criminal law (ICL) and transnational criminal law (TCL) for judges and prosecutors from francophone African countries (Mali...
Inside the Mladic Trial: A Report
8 February 2018From a legal point of view, the most important value of the Mladić case is its discussion surrounding the definition of genocide and the use of the concept of Joint Criminal Enterprise (JCE). This was the main message conveyed by Jonas Nilsson, team leader of ...
Looking Back at Human Dignity and Human Security in Times of Terrorism Conference
7 February 2018‘Terrorist attacks cannot destroy the values on which our societies are grounded – but laws and policies can.’ This quote by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein set up the paradigm for the conference ‘Human Dignity and Human Securit...