The Right to Fair Trial and the Rise of Sensitive Intelligence Evidence: Responses from the Dutch and UK Courts
14 May 2018 By Dr. Rumyana GrozdanovaWriting extra-judicially, Lord Justice Brown once described the typical court approach on matters of national security as follows: “the mere incantation of the phrase [national security] of itself instantly discourages the court from satisfactorily fulfilling ...
Launch of Second Asser-Verfassungsblog Symposium: Courts and Counter-Terrorism
7 May 2018 by Christophe PaulussenIn the context of counter-terrorism, what is the role and responsibility of courts, and constitutional courts in particular? In many respects, courts are the last line of defence in upholding the rule of law during times when it really matters, when society is...
Policy Brief: Street Renaming after the Change of Political Regime
3 May 2018In light of recent legislative developments in Poland, T.M.C. Asser Institute senior researcher Dr. Ulad Belavusau and a visiting researcher from the Polish Academy of Sciences, Ms. Anna Wojcik have published a policy brief on the practice of street re-naming....
Asser Institute participates in the closing plenary of ASIL’s 112th Annual Meeting
20 April 2018The Asser Institute and the City of The Hague have together presented the closing plenary of the American Society of International Law’s 2018 Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. on 7 April in Washington D.C. This year’s Annual Meeting theme was International La...
Call for Papers - 10th Anniversary CLEER Conference: ‘EU external relations: Tackling global challenges?’
19 April 2018On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, CLEER will organise a two-day academic conference at the T.M.C. Asser Institute on 6-7 December 2018. It will consist of several thematic panel sessions featuring presentations and discussions with senior and junior sch...