[Op-ed] Christophe Paulussen: “Nationality deprivation in the interest of national security: on symbolism, irrationality and the 'evaluation' of a flawed law”
15 December 2021In an opinion piece for Dutch quality paper de Volkskrant, Asser senior researcher Christophe Paulussen reflects on a legislative proposal by the Dutch State Secretary for Justice and Security Ankie Broekers-Knol, to make permanent the temporary powers of the ...
Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award 2021 for PhD thesis by Yousra Benfquih: ‘A book that challenges readers to react’
10 December 2021Today, Yousra Benfquih (University of Antwerp) received the Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award 2021 for her PhD thesis in the field of international human rights. Katie Pentney (Leiden University) was awarded the prize for her Master thesis. The Max van der...
[New research paper] ‘Family courts as part of states’ counter-terrorism toolkit: A welcome development for the children of FTFs?’
2 December 2021In a new paper, Asser researcher and counterterrorism expert Rumyana van Ark argues that family courts may be better suited to address the cases of children of alleged foreign fighters or of children who have allegedly become foreign fighters (FTFs) – especial...
[Interview] Brigid Laffan on the geo-political threats facing Europe: ‘The rest of the world is tired of our preaching’
30 November 2021‘We Europeans have long thought that the rest of the world would become like us, if only we put enough carrots and sticks in front of the others. That more or less worked for years, because that's how we became one of the world's greatest economic powers. But ...
Asser researcher Thilo Marauhn re-elected to the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission
24 November 2021For the third time in a row, Asser researcher and Special Chair Arms Control Law, Prof. Dr Thilo Marauhn has been elected to serve a five-year term in the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFCC), which investigates alleged war crimes. Marauh...